Study flow diagram. aOne participant withdrew from the study because of an AE; however, this participant’s AE was actually a protocol-defined stopping criterion and is presented here in the stopping criteria category rather than the AE category. bCompleted all study visits or abbreviated schedule if study medication was discontinued. cFifteen participants discontinued study medication because of AEs; however, five of these participants had AEs that were actually protocol-defined stopping criteria and are presented here in the stopping criteria category rather than the AE category. dOne participant discontinued study medication because of an AE; however, this participant’s AE was actually a protocol-defined stopping criterion and is presented here in the stopping criteria category rather than the AE category. eProtocol-defined reasons for discontinuation of study medication included hemoglobin <7.5 g/dL, renal transplant, increased sPAP of ≥20 mmHg, drop of LVEF ≥10% from baseline and <50% and blood transfusion. The complete list of stopping criteria is included in Supplementary data, Item S1. IP: investigational product; PI: principal investigator.