Fig. 5.
Effect of mClca3 gene transfer on MCM. C57BL/6J mice were treated with adenoviral-associated virus 5 (AAV5) encoding mClca3–3xFlag or 3xFlag reporter alone and then studied 21 days later as follows. A: lung RNA was subjected to real-time PCR for mRNA levels of mClca3 and Muc5ac normalized to the Gapdh control and the simian virus (SV40) polyA level of expression. Values represent means ± SE for 3–5 mice. *Significant difference from treatment with AAV5–3xFlag. B: corresponding lung sections from C57BL/6J mice were immunostained with anti-hCLCA1/mClca3 Ab and Alexa 633-conjugated secondary Ab (green) as well as biotinylated anti-Muc5ac Ab and Alexa 555-streptavidin (red) and counterstained with Sytox green (blue). Bar = 20 μm. C: AHR to MCH was assessed using RL measurements as described in Fig. 1.