Figure 3. Variation in mitochondria potential across single cells underlies proliferation heterogeneity.
(A) TMRE stain intensity (log transformed) measured by flow cytometry in WT and deletion mutants. (B) TMRE intensity in WT and natural isolates of S. cerevisiae strains. (C) WT cells were sorted by TMRE signal intensity into four bins HI, M1, M2 and LO with gates as shown (~5% of the population sorted in each bin) and growth rate distributions were measured using high throughput microscopy setup. HI bin was enriched for slow growing cells. (D) % of respiration deficient cells in each bin from WT strain. The columns represent the average values from 12 independent experiments and the bars show ±1 s.d. values. (E) Percentage of respiration deficient cells in WT and mutant strains is positively correlated with the percentage of slow growing cells. The blue dotted line represents y = x line. The error bars represent ±1 s.d. measured from at least two biological replicates for each strain. (F) Percentage of respiration deficient cells in UCC strains (Dimitrov et al., 2009) is strongly positively correlated with the percentage of slow growing cells. The blue dotted line represents y = x line. The error bars represent ±1 s.d. measured from at least two biological replicates for each strain.