Suggestion of processes contributing to thylakoid biogenesis in chloroplasts of land plants. Lipids, prenyl lipids, pigments and proteins are needed to build a functional thylakoid membrane. These components must somehow travel through the aqueous stroma to reach the thylakoids. 1. The galactolipids DGDG and MGDG are synthesized from their synthases DGD1 and MGD1 at the outer and inner envelope, respectively [69,85,128]. 2. Together with prenyl lipids [129] and carotenoids [130] that are also made at the inner envelope, they could be a putative cargo of a suggested plastid vesicle transport system. Vesicles are thought to bud off from the inner envelope, travel across the stroma to finally fuse with the thylakoid membrane to deliver their cargo. 3. Another connection between both membranes could be provided by invaginations forming lateral fusions. Plastid-targeted proteins like LHCII are imported via the TOC and TIC translocons residing in the envelope membranes. These proteins could furthermore be pre-assembled with chlorophylls [86,87] in the incipient invaginating membrane before being delivered to their target membrane.