Fig. 2.
XAS fine structure and valence of UBi2 and USb2. a The x-ray absorption of UBi2 and USb2 on the O-edge of uranium is compared with (bottom) multiplets simulations for 5 f1 (U5+), 5f2 (U4+), and 5f3 (U3+). b A negative second derivative (SDI) of the XAS data and simulated curves, with drop-lines showing feature correspondence. Noise in the SDI has an amplitude comparable to the plotted line thickness, and all features identified with drop-lines were consistently reproducible when moving the beam spot. Prominent absorption features are labeled peak-A (UBi2, hυ = 99.2 eV), peak-B (USb2, hυ = 98.2 eV), and peak-C (USb2, hυ = 100.8 eV). Source data are provided as a Source Data file