Figure 2.
Effect of GC7 treatment on CD3, CD4 and CD8 cells. CD3 (A), CD4 (B) and CD8 (C) cells at inguinal lymph nodes (IGLN), pancreas (PN), peri-pancreatic lymph nodes (PPLN), and spleen (SP) in GC7 treated and nontreated male and female mice (n = 4–6 per group) are shown. CD3 and CD4 cells percentage were lower in the PN of treated mice whereas, CD8 count was significantly higher in the PN of treated mice. Gr indicates group; Gn indicates gender. Statistical significance determined at P < 0.05. Lowercase letters (a–c) identify significant differences among the groups. Means with different superscript (* or #) have an approaching difference (P = 0.06 to P < 0.1) among the groups or genders.