Table 1.
Diagnostic accuracy of OCTA
Author and date | Study design | Equipment/algorithm | Study sample | Key findings | Comment |
De Carlo et al. (2015) | Observational, retrospective study to describe the characteristics of CNV on OCTA and to determine the sensitivity and specificity of OCTA in detecting CNV as compared with FFA. CNV of any type. | Angiovue (Optovue, Inc, Fremont, CA). SSADA (split-spectrum amplitude-decorrelation angiography) software algorithm with 70,000 A scans per second. | Study involved 72 eyes, 61 patients. Of these, 30 eyes of 24 patients underwent same-day FFA and OCTA as part of the diagnostic study. | CNV on FFA n = 8, CNV on OCTA n = 4, sensitivity = 50%, no CNV on FFA n = 22, no CNV on OCTA n = 20, specificity = 91%. | Very small sample size of n = 8 to determine sensitivity of OCTA vs. FFA. All CNV subtypes were included. |
Gong et al. (2016) | Retrospective, observational study describing the morphological characteristics and efficacy of OCTA in detecting nAMD. | Angiovue (Optovue, Inc, Fremont, CA). SSADA (split-spectrum amplitude-decorrelation angiography) software algorithm with 70,000 A scans per second. | Eighty-six eyes of 53 patients. Twelve eyes were excluded due to poor-quality images, 8 eyes were excluded due to the absence of OCTA or FFA results. | nAMD on FFA n = 52, nAMD on OCTA n = 45, sensitivity = 86.5%, no nAMD on FFA n = 34, no nAMD on OCTA n = 23, specificity = 67.6%, OCTA false positives n = 11 and false negatives n = 7 PPV 80.4% and NPV 76.7%. | Images of poor-quality were excluded. Therefore the applicability of OCTA across a wider population cannot be assessed. |
Inoue et al. (2016) | Multicentre, retrospective cohort study to determine the sensitivity and specificity of OCTA and OCT to detect type 1 CNV as compared with FFA. type 1 nCNVM, OCTA alone, FFA alone, OCTA and OCT vs. FFA and OCT as reference standard. | Angiovue (Optovue, Inc, Fremont, CA). SSADA (split-spectrum amplitude-decorrelation angiography) software algorithm with 70,000 A scans per second. | Study involved 105 eyes of 92 patients with type 1 CNV as confirmed on FFA and OCT. Ten eyes with other types of CNV excluded. | CNV on en-face OCTA and structural OCT n = 90, sensitivity 85.7%, CNV on FFA alone n = 70, sensitivity 66.7%, CNV on en-face OCTA alone n = 70, sensitivity 66.7%. | Not treatment-naive subjects. Unable to assess specificity. Only relates to type 1 CNV. En-face OCTA with structural OCT more sensitive than en-face OCTA alone. |
Carnevali et al. (2016) | Study to determine the detection rate of treatment-naive quiescent choroidal neovascularization due to AMD by OCTA, compared with FFA/ICGA. | Two instruments used AngioPlex CIRRUS HD-OCT. Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc. Dublin CA. OMAG (optical microangiography) algorithm with 68,000 A scans per second. Angiovue (Optovue, Inc, Fremont California, CA). SSADA with 70,000 A scans per second. | Twenty-two eyes of 20 patients with treatment-naive CNV due to AMD. Twenty-two eyes of 22 patients with non-neovascular AMD acted as the control group. | Quiescent CNV on OCTA n = 18, sensitivity = 81.8%. No CNV on OCTA n = 22, specificity = 100%. | Small sample. Treatment-naive quiescent CNV patients instead of eyes with active nAMD. Control group with non-neovascular AMD. |
Liang et al. (2016) | Observational, retrospective case series to characterise the features of CNV on OCTA and to evaluate whether OCTA can be used to identify clinical activity of CNV as compared with FFA. | Angiovue (Optovue, Inc, Fremont, CA). SSADA (split-spectrum amplitude-decorrelation angiography) software algorithm with 70,000 A scans per second. | Forty-five eyes from 35 patients with nAMD. Six eyes had same-day FFA and OCTA, used as sample for measurement of sensitivity and specificity. | Twenty-five of 45 eyes were found to be clinically active. Of these 25 eyes, 22 (88%) had a CNV on OCTA. Of six eyes with same-day FFA and OCTA, active nAMD on FFA n = 3, active nAMD on OCTA n = 2, sensitivity 66.7%. Non-active nAMD on FFA n = 3, non-active nAMD on OCTA n = 3, specificity 100%. | Sensitivity calculations based on a very small sample. OCTA features of CNV did not correlate with activity. |
Faridi et al. (2017) | Prospective case series to determine the sensitivity and specificity of OCTA in diagnosing nAMD compared with FFA/OCT. | Angiovue (Optovue, Inc, Fremont, CA). SSADA (split-spectrum amplitude-decorrelation angiography) software algorithm with 70,000 A scans per second. | Seventy-two eyes of patients with treatment-naive nAMD, non-neovascular AMD or normal controls | nAMD on FFA n = 32. nAMD on en-face OCTA alone n = 26, sensitivity 81.3%. nAMD on en-face and cross-sectional OCTA n = 32, sensitivity 100%. No nAMD on FFA n = 40. No nAMD on en-face OCTA alone n = 37 (grader A) / n = 39 (grader B), specificity 92.5% (grader A)/97.5% (grader B). No AMD on en-face and cross-sectional OCTA n = 39 (grader A), n = 40 (grader B), specificity 97.5% (grader A)/100% (grader B). | Small sample. Images of poor-quality were excluded. |