Fig. 4. CD47 monoclonal antibody (mAb)-treated tumors show increased ferumoxytol-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enhancement.
a Schematic representation of experimental design. Tumors were initiated in NSG mice (n = 6/group) by subcutaneous injection of human MNNG/HOS osteosarcoma cells positive for tdTomato-Luciferase expression. Treatment with control and anti-CD47 mAbs (10 mg/kg, 3× for 5 days) was initiated once the tumors were detected with bioluminescent imaging. MRI was performed on day 5, day 6, and day 10 of therapy. b Representative T2-weighted MR images of MNNG/HOS subcutaneous tumors in mice treated with control or CD47 mAbs. The tumors are hyperintense (bright) on pre-contrast MR images (white arrows) and show hypointense (dark) enhancement after ferumoxytol administration (red arrows). c Tumor MRI enhancement, quantified as T2 relaxation times, of MNNG/HOS tumors treated with control IgG or CD47 mAbs. CD47 mAb-treated tumors demonstrated significantly shortened T2 relaxation times compared to control antibody-treated tumors on ferumoxytol-enhanced MRI images. d Tumor volumes, as measured on T2-weighted MR scans, were significantly smaller on day 10 after anti-CD47 mAb treatment compared to controls. All results are represented as mean ± SD from six tumors per experimental group, p value as indicated, exact two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum tests