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. 2019 Feb 7;20:120. doi: 10.1186/s12864-018-5399-x

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Chromosomal translocations in strain 8044. a MUMmer plot in which 714.70 was used as the reference genome (x-axis) and 8044 as the query (y-axis). Red dots aligning with the diagonal axis indicate syntenic aligned sequence, while blue dots represent an inversion. Dots off the diagonal indicate a translocation or exchange of DNA between chromosomes. Homologous chromosomes in each strain are shown along each axis and color coded (Chr.1 = red, Chr. 2 = orange, Chr.3 = yellow, Chr.4 = green, Chr.5 = light blue, Chr. 6 = dark blue). Genome rearrangements observed in 8044 relative to 714.70 include I) A translocation of a ~ 800 Kb segment of DNA from one end of chromosome 2 onto the end of chromosome 6 (orange segment); II) Both translocation and inversion of a small segment of DNA containing a PKS and several accessory genes from chromosome 4 to the large translocated region (I) on the end of chromosome 6 (green line); III) An intrachromosomal inversion/translocation from the right arm of chromosome 6 to the opposite (left) arm of the same chromosome. The red line bisecting chromosome 6 indicates the boundary of two unitigs [34, 43] that comprise chromosome 6. b Plot of 8044 Hi-C data mapped to the 714.70 assembly shows hotspots that deviate from the diagonal and support these three translocation events (Additional file 7: Figure S4). c Cartoon of each of the three translocation events