CONSORT diagram. Overall screening, random assignment, and obtainment of primary outcome by treatment arm. 1Percentage of those randomly assigned. Excludes women who became pregnant <3 mo into the study. The women who had eligible pregnancies may have had delivery data obtained or they may have exited the study before delivery. 2Primary outcome was obtained for live newborns with 3 length measurements taken within 48 h of delivery. Among women, primary outcome obtained from ≥1 infants of the woman. 3LAZ for birth length, based on actual birth length measured by 48 h of age, calculated using the expanded tables of the Child Growth Standards published by the WHO (30) that provide scores by day of measurement. The same standards were used to calculate the weight-for-age, head circumference-for-age, and BMI-for age z scores (WAZ, HCAZ, and BMIAZ). 4GA at birth is defined as the age at the time of the ultrasound based on the ultrasound plus time until birth if the ultrasound was done between 6 wk + 0 d and 13 wk + 6 d and the GA at birth was between 24 wk + 0 d and 42 wk + 6 d. If the ultrasound was not conducted during the GA previously mentioned, then the GA at birth is missing. 5LAZ, WAZ, HCAZ, and weight to length-ratio-for age (WLRAZ) z scores and percentiles based on measurements within 48 h of delivery are calculated using the INTERGROWTH-21st International Standards for Newborn Size (32) and International Standards for Newborn Size for Very Preterm Infants (33), which provide z scores by sex and GA at birth for infants between 33 wk + 0 d and 42 wk + 6 d GA at birth and between 24 wk + 0 d and 32 wk + 6 d GA at birth, respectively. CONSORT, Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials; GA, gestational age; LAZ, length-for-age z score; MTP, medical termination of pregnancy.