Table 1:
Selected thermomechanical modeling literature, the authors’ overall strategy, and major outcomes.
Process | Ref | Material | Energy Source | Element Scheme | Analysis | Major Outcomes |
DED Powder Feed | [70] | Ti6Al4V | Ellipsoidal | Hybrid | 3D-Uncoupled, Pan Computing | Incorporating forced convection boundary conditions in the model improves temperature and corresponding residual stress estimates. |
[64] | Ti6Al4V | Ellipsoidal | Quiet | 3D-Coupled, Not Listed | When printing on cantilevered plate for model verification, plate will tend to bend upwards. | |
[57] | Inconel 718 + Ti6Al4V | Gaussian | Not Specified | 3D-Uncoupled, ABAQUS | For printing tall structures, reducing the layer thickness can increase distortion, while simultaneously decreasing residual stresses. | |
DED Wire Feed | [76,77] | Mild Steel Wire | Gaussian | Inactive | 3D-Coupled, ABAQUS | Residual stress across a line of deposit is uniform with low affect from previous layers’ stress profile. |
[123] | Steel Wire | Ellipsoidal | Quiet | 3D-Coupled, MSC-Marc | Final deposition path can have significant effect on the final residual stresses | |
[68] | Inconel 718 Wire | Uniform Source | Inactive | 3D-Coupled | Using a large-strain plasticity model can result in higher accuracy, but also increases computational cost significantly. | |
PDF EBM | [81] | Ti6Al4V | Gaussian | None-Single Scan | 3D-Coupled, ABAQUS | Increase in bed preheat temperature as high as 50°C can reduce residual stresses by ~20%. |
[124] | Rene 80 (Ni-based superalloy) | Gaussian | None-Single Scan | 3D-Coupled, SYSWELD | Yield stresses were easily achieved after heat source passing. | |
[84] | Inconel 718 | Effective (Temp-Driven) | Inactive | 3D-Uncoupled, ABAQUS | Preheating substrate prior to printing will reduce the magnitude of the residual stresses developed. | |
PBF SLM | [65] | AlSi10Mg | Gaussian | Hybrid | 3D-Uncoupled, ABAQUS | Relatively long laser exposure time (slower scan speeds) will tend to induce a much larger residual stress field. |
[73] | Stainless Steel 316 | Gaussian | Inactive | 3D-Indirectly Coupled-FE ANSYS | Residual stress calculation is reduced at high temperature when temperature-dependent thermophysical properties are accounted for. | |
[82] | Ti6Al4V | Gaussian | Inactive | 3D-Coupled, MSC-Marc | No significant variation in residual stresses among different “square pattern” scan strategies, but significant variation in directional stresses. | |
[125] | Inconel 718 | Double Ellipsoidal | Quiet | Thermal FE-Only Pan Computing | Assuming powder layer is insulator can significantly overpredict temperatures in component. | |
[62] | Inconel 718 | Ellipsoidal | Hybrid | 3D-Weakly Coupled Pan Computing | Rotating scan patterns can homogenize residual stress fields. | |
[126] | Fe-based | Gaussian | Inactive | 3D-Coupled ABAQUS | Equivalent heat source method used from single-layer simulated temperature field, reduced computational cost and maintained accuracy. | |
[71] | Inconel 718 | Gaussian | Quiet | 3-D Coupled, ABAQUS | Rotating 45° scan patterns produce the lowest planar stresses and deformation when compared with other scanning strategies |