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. 2018 Sep 15;22(2):105–118. doi: 10.1093/ijnp/pyy081

Table 2.

Overview of studies investigating treatment effects of different therapeutic approaches to determine effects on reward processing in MDD.

Authors Year n (total) n (patient) n (HC) Task/Stimulus Therapeutic Intervention ROI/Seeds Observed Effects Decreased (↓)/Increased (↑) FUCO or Activation in fMRI
Admon 2017 43 46 MDD 43 Monetary incentive delay Amisulprid (50mg); MDD: (23*, 23 Pl); HC: (23*, 20Pl) Caudate, NAc, putamen ↑: Increased FUCO between striatum and dorsal ACC and midcingulate cortex in response to reward outcomes in MDD treated with Amisulprid vs. placebo
Dichter 2009 27 12 MDD 15 Wheel of fortune Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression - ↑: Increased dorsal striatal activation during reward anticipation after BATD in MDD
Downar 2014 47 38 TRD, 9 TRBPD 0 None rTMS (DMPFC), 20 sessions 516 ↑: Responders: increased VMPFC connectivity to VTA, left caudate nucleus, left DMPFC, left DLPFC, left Occipital cortex, right anterior insula, and the rigth Precuneus; Non-responders: increased connectivity to the right fusiform gyrus, right DLPFC, right PCC, right Middle temporal gyrus, right frontopolar cortex, left MCC and left Middle paracingulate cortex
Quevedo 2017 68 38 MDD 30 Monetary reward Various antidepressants in MDD groups Bilateral VS ↑: Increased FUCO between VS and midline cortical areas during loss versus reward MDD; depression severity linked to higher VS to caudate and precuneus connectivity
Carl 2016 53 33 MDD 20 Monetary incentive delay Brief Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression NAc, caudate nucleus, putamen, frontal medial cortex, OFC, and ACC ↓: Decreased activity in MDD group when comparing first and second run of the task reflecting decreased capacity for sustained activation of the right NAc
Redlich 2015 100 33 UD, 33 BD 34 Car-guessing paradigm Various medications in all but 2 patients NAc ↓: Decreased activity in UD and BD patients compared to HC in the NAc during reward processing
Takamura 2017 24 12 MDD 12 Variable sized monetary reward Medication for less than 7 days Left VS. bilateral putamen ↓: In HC, striatal activity increased in proportion to the size of monetary reward during reward anticipation. This was altered in MDD patients, and significant group-by-reward size interaction effects detected in ROIs
Duprat 2017 50 50 MDD 0 Probabilistic learning Accelerated intermittent TBS - ↑↓: No significant group differences found in treatment vs sham condition. Patients with low anhedonia displayed higher activity in caudate and putamen at baseline and reduced activity in the reward system after one week of treatment. High anhedonia was linked to increased activity in the reward system after one week of treatment.

Studies including functional MRI and/or functional connectivity analysis in MDD patients receiving pharmacological or non-pharmacological treatment are included.

Abbreviations: ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; BA, broca area; BATD, behavioral activation treatment for depression; BD, bipolar depression; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; dmPFC, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; FUCO, functional connectivity; HC, healthy controls; MDD, major depressive diorder; MCC, midcingulate cortex; NAc, nucleus accumbens; OFC, orbitoftrontal cortex; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; PFC, prefrontal cortex; Pl, placebo; pVMPFC, posterior ventromedial prefrontal cortex; rTMS, repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation; STG, superior temporal gyrus; TRD, treatment-resistant depression; TBS, theta burst stimulation; UD, unipolar depression; VMPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex; VS, ventral striatum; VTA, ventral tegmental area.