Fig. 9.
Model for kinetochore phosphorylation by the CPC. a Model showing phosphorylation of laterally attached kinetochore by the CPC. Inactive non-centromeric pool of CPC (gray) is auto-activated by centromeric pool (red). The non-centromeric activated CPC (orange) diffuses on centromere proximal microtubules (green) and phosphorylates kinetochores (brown). b Theoretical results showing predictions obtained using our model for the activity of microtubule-bound kinase at the kinetochores with merotelic microtubules (cartoon illustration on top). Graphs show concentration of the microtubule-bound kinase for merotelic and end-on microtubules (in gray, left axis). Fraction of the active microtubule-bound kinase for merotelic (red curve) and end-on microtubules (green curve) is plotted using the right axes. Kinase activity on the end-on attached microtubules is more than 100-times lower than on the merotelic ones, even though they are bound at the same kinetochore