Ultrastructure of the chloroplast; senescence related-indices of ZH8015 and es4 at 70 dps. Photosynthetic ability analysis in flag leaves of ZH8015 and es4 at 70 dps. Senescence related-indices of ZH8015 and es4 at 70 dps. (A,C) Ultrastructure of the chloroplast in the flag leaf of ZH8015 at 70 dps. (B,D) Ultrastructure of the chloroplast in the flag leaf of es4 at 70 dps. CP, chloroplast; G, granum; M, mitochondrion; OG, osmiophilic granule; S, starch granule. Scale bar = 0.2 μm. (E) Content of chlorophyll a and b. (F) Net photosynthetic rate (Pn). (G) The enzymatic activities of catalase (CAT). (H) The content of H2O2. (I) The content of malondialdehyde (MDA). (J) The enzymatic activities of peroxidase (POD). (K) The enzymatic activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD). (L) The content of soluble proteins (SP) (mean ± SD, n = 3), ∗ significance at P < 0.05, ∗∗extremely significance at P < 0.01.