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. 2019 Feb 7;114:e180432. doi: 10.1590/0074-02760180432

Fig. 1: mosquito densovirus (MDV) coinfection in Zika virus (ZIKV) strains A P.0 and B P.0. (A) Cytopathic effects in C6/36 MDV-contaminated ZIKV strain A and strain B cells compared to mock-infected cells and C6/36 cells infected with MDV BR/07 at an multiplicity of genome (MOG) of 1 for 72 h. (B) Agarose gel showing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of a 324 bp fragment from the MDV genome and reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) amplification of a 364 bp fragment of the ZIKV E gene in strain A and strain B (P.0). (C) Immunofluorescence assay of ZIKV strain A and strain B (P.0) infected C6/36 cells stained with a 4G2 monoclonal antibody, anti-MDV mouse polyclonal serum, and monoclonal antibody (clone 94DL1) raised after immunisation with the MDV BR/07 strain. As a positive control, C6/36 cells were infected with MDV BR/07 at an MOG of 1 for 72 h.

Fig. 1: