(A) qPCR validation of genes detected in 143B cells by microarrays. Left upper panel depicts concordance of relative expression estimates in 143B rho0 versus rho+ cells normalized to house-keeping GAPDH between microarray (HG-U133 Plus 2.0; Affymetrix) and qPCR experiments (Human Amino Acid Metabolism Tier I PrimePCR panel; Bio-Rad) for 65 nuclear-encoded genes; qPCR was performed from cDNA templates derived using the same total RNA extracts for both techniques (N = 3 per cell derivative) and were performed in technical triplicates. Right upper and bottom panels show graphs of relative expression estimates in 143B rho0 versus rho+ cells normalized to β-actin (ACTB) between RNA-seq and qPCR experiments (Custom PrimePCR panel; Bio-Rad) for three mtDNA-encoded genes (right upper panel) and nine nuclear DNA-encoded genes (bottom panel); qPCR was performed from cDNA templates derived using the same total RNA extracts for both techniques (N = 3 per cell derivative) and were performed in technical triplicates. The genes identified by microarrays in the rho0 cells relative to rho+ whose expression were affected by treatment with DM-α-KG were used to define enriched pathways based on IPA analysis. (B) canonical pathways (C) only metabolic pathways. (D) The list of genes whose expression was reversed by DM-α-KG supplementation was used to retrieve ENCODE-based ChIP-seq information. The table indicates the proteins against which the ChIP-seq experiments were performed, followed by cell type and reference genome (Hg19, human, mm9, and mouse). (E) Rho0 cells were exposed to DM-α-KG and immediately after cells lysed and probed for HIF1α stabilization. Data from four independent biological replicates are shown. As positive control, the cells were exposed to hypoxia (0% O2) for 2 h.