This Figure depicts the miRNA profiles generated by small RNA sequencing. A, Hierarchical clustering and heatmap
representation of kidney allograft biopsies with fibrosis (IFTA, Interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy) and normal allograft
biopsies, human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), HDFa (primary skin fibroblast), HEK293 cells (human embryonic kidney
cells), and HK2 cells (kidney proximal tubule cells) according to merged miRNA profiles. B, Multidimensional scaling showing
separation of IFTA biopsies from Normal biopsies. C, MA plot showing the differentially expressed miRNA sequence families. Colored
data points represent P<0.05 (red points signify in addition FDR<0.1) (From Ben-Dov IZ, Muthukumar
T, Morozov P, et al. MicroRNA sequence profiles of human kidney allografts with or without tubulointerstitial fibrosis.
Transplantation. 2012;94(11):1089; with permission).