AAV9 Mediates Sustained Expression of GRN in Grn Null Mouse Brain
Grn null mice were injected at 6–7.5 months of age with AAV9.GRN or AAV9.eGFP in the right lateral ventricle and sacrificed 1, 3, 4.5, or 6 months post-injection. Brains were microdissected, and GRN levels were measured by ELISA. (A) Left: GRN levels remained elevated at all time points in the right (injected) peri-ventricular area (RV), right striatum (RStr), and right frontal cortex (RFC) as compared to uninjected homogenized whole brain (WB). (A) Right: GRN levels remained elevated at all time points in the left (uninjected) peri-ventricular area (LV), but far less so in the left striatum (LStr) and left frontal cortex (LFC) as compared to uninjected homogenized whole brain (WB). (B) Schematic illustrating the regions collected by microdissection in blue (striatum), red (cortex), and purple (peri-ventricular area). n = 3 mice per group at each time point.