Spore coat/exosporium and immunoreactive proteins of epidemic C. difficile R20291 strain identified in a 2-DE gel system
Spot # | Gene namea | Uniprot IDa | Protein Descriptiona | Scoreb | MW (Da)c | pId | Peptidese | % coveragef |
1 | CDR20291_1511 | C9YLQ8 | Uncharacterized protein (CotA) | 453 | 35209 | 3.98 | 8 | 17.2 |
2 | CDR20291_1282 | C9YL30 | Peroxiredoxin (CotE) | 838 | 81612 | 5.25 | 40 | 33.9 |
3 | CDR20291_0654 | C9YJA5 | Putative carbon monoxide dehydrogenase/acetyl-CoA synthase complex, methyltransferase subunit | 288 | 29762 | 4.78 | 25 | 71.3 |
4 | CDR20291_0926 | C9YK25 | Uncharacterized protein (CdeC) | 330 | 46958 | 4.84 | 27 | 40 |
5 | CDR20291_2291 | C9YNX8 | Putative spore-coat protein (CotCB) | 249 | 21497 | 4.68 | 19 | 72.1 |
Functional annotations were retrieved from Swiss Proteina database ( )
The threshold was set up by the server at the significance level P≤0.05 for random hit; individual ion scores greater than 17 were taken as significant match for identity or extensive homology, based in Mowse score ( )
The molecular weight of the protein identified from the database.
pI: isoelectric point of the protein identified.
The number of matching peptides to the target protein identified
The portion of the protein sequence that was observed by MS/MS analysis of the peptide mapping