(A-D) Horizontal apical sections of wing imaginal discs expressing en-Gal4 UAS-Dcr2 UAS-RFP (red) with either UAS-fat-RNAi (A) or UAS-elgi-RNAi (B-D) and Dachs:GFP (D:GFP) (A, B), Vam:GFP (C) or Fat:GFP (D) showing increased levels of membrane localized Dachs:GFP, Vam:GFP and Fat:GFP in the posterior compartment. A and B were imaged using the same acquisition settings. (E) Horizontal apical sections of wing imaginal discs expressing Dachs:GFP under the control of the actin5C promoter (act>D:GFP) throughout, showing increased levels of membrane localized Dachs:GFP, in homozygous elgi1 mutant clones, marked by absence of RFP (red). (F) Western blot showing levels of Dachs:V5 (D:V5) from third instar wing disc lysate from flies expressing tub-Gal4 UAS-D:V5 without (control) or with elgi-RNAi. Tubulin was used as a control for loading and transfer. Scale bar is 33 μm (A,B,E), 19 μm (C) and 16.5μm (D).