Drug-cancer indication network for 284 predicted drug-cancer pairs (adjusted P-value [q] < .05, online Supplementary Table S3) connecting 48 existing drugs (circles) and 28 cancer types (orange squares). The thickness of links represents the q values calculated by our statistical approach (online Supplementary Table S3). The color of links represents significance categories of q values: red, q < 10−9; orange, 10−9 < q < 10−8; yellow, 10−8 < q < 10−7; blue, 10−7 < q < 10−6; cyan, 10−6 < q < 10−5; and gray, 10−5 < q < 0.05. The text size of 4 drugs (resveratrol, captopril, niclosamide, and valproic acid) was made larger because they were selected as example drugs and discussed in the main text. The abbreviations for cancer types are provided in the main text.