Workflow scheme for task-rest connectivity distance (unpaired). This scheme summarizes the procedure to measure edgewise distance from two cohorts of (M and N) functional connectomes (FCs) at rest (left) to a task-based one (right). First, an edge ij is extracted from the set, for both the resting-state and task-based FCs; these two vectors of M and N connectivity values are then transformed into probability distributions (center top); finally, the Jensen-Shannon distance for these two edgewise probabilities is computed (center bottom). Iterating this procedure over all possible ij pairs gives a Jensen-Shannon (JS) matrix of local distance in task FCs with respect to the REST baseline. The JS matrix is ordered by the seven functional networks (FNs): visual (VIS), somatomotor (SM), dorsal attention (DA), ventral attention (VA), limbic (L), frontoparietal (FP), and default mode network (DMN). An eighth subcortical network (SUBC) is added for completeness. Within-network most distant edges are color coded according to FNs. Between-network most distant edges are in gray scale. This method allows for quantifying the changes between centralized (within-network) and distributed (between-network) processing when a specific task is performed with respect to the resting-state baseline.