Centralized and distributed task processing in functional connectomes. Each plot shows differences in centralized versus distributed processing (see Methods) for each of the seven functional networks (FNs; visual, somatomotor, dorsal and ventral attention, limbic, frontoparietal, and DMN; Yeo et al., 2011) and subcortical network, for all seven different HCP tasks. The difference in centralized processing with respect to resting state was defined as the number of most Jensen-Shannon (JS) distant edges within-FN divided by the total number of edges in the FN (reported as percentage). Similarly, deviations from distributed processing in resting state were defined as the number of most JS-distant edges between FN divided by the total number of between-FN connections. Note how FP and DMN networks deviate from rest mainly in the amount of distributed processing, that is, between-FN connectivity.