Figure 4.
Simulated spatially resolved dynamics in the fundamental mode-locking (FML) regime (Ipump = 0.81A). The cavity has been unfolded such that the left side of all subplots shows the backwards moving field (denoted with the position suffix -) and the right side shows the forwards moving field. To top row indicates the respective device section and ARF and HRF denote the anti and high-reflection facet. (a) shows the pulse shape color-coded over one complete round-trip in the co-moving frame while (b) shows the corresponding color-coded evolution of the gain dynamics. Pulse maximum, leading and trailing half-maximum (HM) are indicated with white lines in (a,b). (c) Evolution of the peak power (red) and pulse width (blue), (d) the evolution of the amplitude (black) and timing jitter (blue) across the device. (c,d) Have been obtained from averaging over 20000 round-trips.