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. 2019 Feb 11;9:1730. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-37350-8

Table 3.

Patient demographics, symptoms, predisposing conditions, underlying respiratory diagnoses and radiographic features by ATS diagnostic group.

Characteristics ATS Positive (n = 112) ATS Negative (n = 332) Total (n = 444)
Mean age (years) 65 67
Female 59 (51.8) 150 (45.18) 209 (47.07)
First isolate?
Yes 99 (86.8) 305 (91.87) 404 (90.99)
Sputum**** 78 (61.90) 301 (90.12) 379 (82.39)
BAL**** 48 (38.10) 33 (9.88) 81 (17.61)
Productive cough* 89 (79.46) 227 (68.37) 316 (71.17)
Haemoptysis* 22 (19.64) 34 (10.24) 56 (12.61)
Dyspnoea 26 (23.21) 71 (21.39) 97 (21.85)
Fever** 14 (12.50) 12 (3.61) 26 (5.86)
Night sweats* 15 (13.39) 19 (5.72) 34 (7.66)
Weight loss**** 40 (35.71) 53 (15.96) 93 (20.95)
Fatigue 6 (5.36) 16 (4.82) 22 (4.95)
Underlying lung disease
Yes 99 (88.39) 281 (84.64) 380 (85.59)
TB 11 (9.82) 39 (11.75) 50 (11.26)
Bronchiectasis 43 (38.39) 146 (43.98) 189 (42.57)
Asthma 19 (16.96) 63 (18.98) 82 (18.47)
COPD 50 (44.64) 124 (37.35) 174 (39.19)
Pulmonary Fibrosis 6 (5.36) 16 (4.82) 22 (4.95)
Lung carcinoma 16 (4.82) 16 (3.60)
Other# 10 (8.93) 20 (6.02) 30 (6.76)
Predisposing conditions
Inhaled corticosteroids 68 (60.71) 181 (54.52) 249 (56.08)
Alcohol dependence 3 (2.68) 7 (2.11) 10 (2.25)
Regular oral steroid use 16 (14.29) 36 (10.84) 52 (11.71)
HIV infection* 6 (5.36) 4 (1.2) 10 (2.25)
Haematological malignancy 3 (2.68) 8 (2.41) 11 (2.48)
Anti-TNF treatment 1 (0.89) 8 (2.41) 9 (2.03)
Other immunosuppressants 4 (3.57) 12 (3.61) 16 (3.60)
Radiological features
No thoracic CT available 5 (4.46) 91 (27.41) 96 (21.62)
Tree-in-bud**** 23 (20.52) 11 (3.31) 34 (7.66)
Nodules**** 33 (29.46) 30 (9.04) 63 (14.19)
Cavities**** 51 (45.54) 30 (9.04) 81 (18.24)
Emphysema 5 (4.46) 20 (6.02) 25 (5.63)
Bronchiectasis 22 (19.64) 73 (21.99) 21.40)

Results are shown as n (%).

*P < 0.05, **p < 0.005, ****p < 0.0001.

#Other respiratory conditions: aspergillosis lung disease (n = 17), Churg-Strauss syndrome/EGPA eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (n = 4) tracheobronchitis (n = 1), chronic bronchiolitis (n = 1), obliterative bronchiolitis (n = 1) cystic fibrosis (n = 5).

Other immunosuppressants: chemotherapy (n = 7), methotrexate (n = 4), sulfasalazine (n = 2), mycophenylate (n = 1) azathioprine (n = 1), undefined (n = 1).