Fig. 2.
Haplosufficiency of TRADD rescues the lethality of Ripk1−/−Ripk3−/− mice. a Expected and actual frequencies of pups at weaning age from a triple heterozygous cross of Ripk1+/−Ripk3+/−Tradd+/− mice. b Kaplan-Meier plot showing survival of mice of indicated genotypes. Logrank tests showed Ripk1−/−Ripk3−/−Tradd+/− mice exhibited improved survival over Ripk1+/−Ripk3−/−Tradd+/− and Ripk1−/−Ripk3+/−Tradd−/− mice (p < 0.0001). c One month old mice of indicated genotypes (n = 5 independent experiments). d Weights of Ripk1−/−Ripk3−/−Tradd+/− mice and littermate controls over time presented as mean ± SEM. t test shows no significant difference between groups. e H&E and cleaved caspase 3 (CC3) staining of the large intestine of indicated genotypes (n = 3 independent experiments). Scale bars are 50 μm