Licensure Year |
2007 (10.17) |
(1982-2017) |
Recording Duration (minutes) |
21.83 (4.23) |
(12.15-25.77) |
Medication Verifications (N=567) |
Medication verifications observed per participant |
53.8 (26.14) |
(17-92) |
Medication verifications per minute |
2.54 (1.07) |
(0.88-4.05) |
Patients with Orders Verified (N=203) |
Patients reviewed per participant |
20.3 (9.07) |
(5-32) |
Medication verifications per patient |
2.8 (0.75) |
(1.8-4.1) |
Alerts Observed (N=100) |
Alerts per participant |
10 (6.48) |
(3-19) |
Alerts per verification |
0.19 (0.09) |
(0.08-0.35) |
Verification Time (seconds) |
Verification of order with no alert |
9.02 (20.06) |
(1-245) |
Verification of order with alert |
22.75 (24.95) |
(1-120) |
Alert display duration |
3.92 (4.03) |
(1-25) |