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. 2018 Nov 6;126(11):117002. doi: 10.1289/EHP3281

Table 1.

RNA sequencing gene expression results from zebrafish developmentally exposed to 16 PAHs from the shield stage to 48-hpf.

Treatment cyp1a slincR sox9b
log2FC FDR log2FC FDR log2FC FDR
Retene (12.2μM) 7.692 6.94×1016 3.006 2.50×1010 0.071 0.848
Benzo[j]fluoranthene (14.9μM) 7.761 4.96×1016 3.922 9.65×1014 0.095 0.678
Benzo[k]fluoranthenea (1.9μM) 7.913 2.91×1016 3.975 6.07×1014 0.168 0.792
Dibenzo[a,h]pyrenea (5μM) 6.373 1.07×1013 2.936 1.09×109 0.104 0.610
Dibenzo[a,i]pyrene (5μM) 6.478 7.58×1014 2.785 5.17×109 0.191 0.811
Benzo[b]fluoranthenea (50μM) 6.019 1.83×1013 2.139 4.25×106 0.171 0.615
Fluoranthenea (50μM) 3.142 1.40×106 0.343 0.720 0.001 0.998
Phenanthrenea (50μM) 2.093 0.0026 0.009 1.00 0.011 1.00
Acenapthenea (50μM) 0.844 0.139 0.459 0.407 0.113 0.499
4H-cyclopenta[def]phenanthren-4-one (16.2μM) 1.618 0.176 0.019 0.990 0.347 0.0664
Carbazole (50μM) 2.126 0.0549 0.491 0.716 0.211 0.384
3-nitrofluoranthene (1.9μM) 1.778 0.712 0.319 0.954 0.186 0.859
1,5-dimethylnaphthalene (50μM) 0.806 1.00 0.401 1.00 0.003 1.00
9-methylanthracene (50μM) 2.647 0.0091 0.711 0.411 0.140 0.511
2-methylnaphthalene (50μM) 0.587 1.00 0.139 1.00 0.038 1.00
Anthracenea (50μM) 2.467 0.366 1.083 0.415 0.137 0.632

Note: These data are part of an unpublished RNA sequencing dataset that was generated by Dr. M. Geier from the R. Tanguay laboratory. Concentrations were based on the EC80 and were experientially determined by the individual compound response. For the PAHs that did not elicit a morphological effect, the maximum soluble concentration tested (50μM for most) was used. The Bioconductor package edgeR (statistical methodology based on the negative binomial distribution) was used to calculate the log2FC and identify the significant differentially expressed genes (n=4, BH-adjusted p0.05), when compared to the vehicle control (0.1% DMSO). BH,Benjamini-Hochberg; DMSO,dimethylsulfoxide; FDR,BH-adjustedp-value; hpf,hourspostfertilization; log2FC,log2(foldchange); PAH,polycyclicaromatichydrocarbon.


Denotes a chemical that is one of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 16 priority PAHs.