Effects of different doses of memantine and PHA-543613 in monotreatments and in different combinations against scopolamine-induced (0.5 mg/kg, i.p.) amnesia. Text below the graph represents the injections given before testing a given treatment. Dose of memantine (s.c.) and PHA-543613 (s.c.) in the given experiment is shown after their abbreviation (Mem, PHA, respectively) in mg/kg. (A) In Experiment 1, a subeffective dose of memantine was combined with a subeffective dose of PHA-543613 (n = 9 Long Evans rats); (B,C) In Experiments 2 and 3, effective doses of memantine were combined with subeffective doses of PHA-543613 (n = 10 Long Evans rats and 8 Wistar rats, respectively); (D) In Experiment 4, a subeffective dose of PHA-543613 was tested with a dose of memantine that was higher than its most effective dose (n = 8 Wistar rats). Significance level of post hoc comparisons between a given treatment and scopolamine alone treatment were marked with asterisks above the bars: ∗p < 0.05. Hash symbols mark the significance level of the difference between the alternation performance after the given treatment and the chance level (0.5, dashed line): (#) p < 0.1, #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01, ###p < 0.001.