a. Timecourse of spontaneous activity measured with
wide-field epifluorescence in an awake ferret (mean across pixels in ROI).
b. Representative z-scored images of spontaneous events at
times indicated in (a). c. Spontaneous activity
correlation patterns (Pearson’s correlation) shown for 3 different seed
points (green circle). Correlation patterns span millimeters, can show both
rapid changes between nearby seed points (left and
middle) and long-range similarity for distant seed points
(middle and right). d.
Correlation patterns are highly similar in the awake and anesthetized cortex.
e. Correlation values at maxima as a function of distance from
the seed point showing that correlation amplitude remains strong over long
distances. f-g. Spontaneous activity is modular and correlated at
the cellular level (f) and shows good correspondence to spontaneous
correlations obtained with wide-field imaging (g). h.
Correlations measured under anesthesia are statistically similar to those in the
awake cortex (n=5, grey: individual animals, black: mean ± SEM). Blue
shaded region indicates within-state similarity (mean ± SEM).
i. Cellular correlations are significantly similar to
wide-field correlations (n=5, grey: individual animals, black: mean ±
SEM). Blue region indicates within-modality similarity (mean ± SEM).