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. 2019 Feb 12;14(2):e0211256. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211256

Table 7. Type III tests of fixed effects and estimates of fixed effects in the linear mixed model on pen evaluation in the pictures.

Effect Type III tests of fixed effects (F-values) Estimates of fixed effects SE T-values
Intercept 6298.08*** 3.66 0.10 37.78***
Pig 19.76*** -0.09 0.03 -2.94**
Pen 3625.69*** -1.35 0.03 -42.38***
Split 5.09* 0.10 0.05 2.26*
First Picture 2.32
1 (unhappy/straw) 0.09 0.06 1.38
2 (happy/straw) 0.12 0.06 1.80
3 (happy/slatted -0.03 0.06 -0.48
4 (unhappy slatted) 0 - -
Grew up on a farm 7.40** 0.22 0.08 2.72**
No connection to agriculture 11.24** -0.17 0.05 -3.35**
Belief in Pig Mind I 12.65*** 0.08 0.02 3.56***
Belief in Pig mind II 31.84*** -0.13 0.02 -5.64***
Pig x Pen 0.08 -0.01 0.05 -0.29

Dependent variable: index of pen evaluation including evaluation of five word pairs (species-appropriate–not species-appropriate, natural–unnatural, comfortable–uncomfortable, future-proof–not future-proof, clean–dirty)

Model covariance structure: scaled identity

*** = p ≤ 0.001

** = p ≤ 0.01

* = p ≤ 0.05

SE = standard error

Source: Own calculations