Intra-neuronal and Inter-neuronal Spreading of α-Syn Assemblies
(A) Fluorescence and phase-contrast images of 30 day old corticocortical neuronal networks exposed for 24 h in the proximal chamber (left) to 500 nM Atto-550-labeled fibrils (top) or ribbons (bottom). The bar graphs show quantitative assessment of Atto-550-labeled α-Syn monomers, fibrils, and ribbons taken up by loaded neurons (left) and transferred to receiving neurons (right) at 1, 7, 15, and 21 dpe. Significant differences were observed between strains and between days post-exposure in both proximal and distal chambers (for statistical analysis see Supplemental Information). Data are shown as ± SD.
(B) Kymograph analysis of α-Syn fibril movement along axons extending from the proximal chamber in a typical recording performed at 24 h post-loading.
(C and D) Analysis of α-Syn assemblies' anterograde and retrograde movement in axonal tracts. (C) Average speed. (D) Travel length.
Data are shown as mean ± SD. Scale bars: 25 μm.