Induction of Trans-neuronal Nucleation
Fluorescence confocal imaging illustrating endogenous α-SynP (green) in the distal chamber upon seeding of proximal neurons with exogenous α-Syn ribbons (made of WT in A and B, S129A α-Syn in C, red). Axons deriving from proximal neurons are identified using β3-tubulin (β3-TUB, gray), while neurons residing in the distal chamber are identified by MAP2 staining (blue).
(A) α-SynP filiform structures are present in proximal neurons axons at 15 dpe.
(B and C) At 21 dpe, α-SynP-positive clusters are detected as well in the cytoplasm of sparse distal neurons. Insets in (A) and (C) are enlargements of specific regions (highlighted with dotted lines if needed). Inset in (B) represents 3D reconstruction and orthogonal view of the intra-cellular α-SynP structures (Airyscan super resolution). Inset in (C) represents a single plane of the α-SynP cell.
Scale bars: 40 μm in (A), 10 μm in (B) and inset in (A), 20 μm in (C), 5 μm in inset in (C).