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. 2019 Feb 7;24(6):1800275. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.6.1800275

Table 2. Paediatricians’ responses to the question ‘Your patient is scheduled to receive the second dose of hexavalent vaccinea; which of the following conditions do you consider to be a contraindication?’, Italy, 2016 (n = 892) .

Condition False contraindication Temporary contraindication Permanent contraindication Don’t know Total
n % n % n % n %
Severe allergic reaction to a previous dose, including anaphylaxis 26 3.0 133 15.2 693 79.1 24 2.7 876
Fever following a previous dose 831 94.6 38 4.3 7 0.8 2 0.2 878
Acute severe gastroenteritis 431 49.2 437 49.9 6 0.7 2 0.2 876
Otitis media, without fever 553 63.2 319 36.5 1 0.1 2 0.2 875
Family history of adverse reaction following a pertussis vaccine dose 717 82.2 62 7.1 40 4.6 53 6.1 872
Acute upper airway infection, without fever 629 72.0 236 27.0 8 0.9 1 0.1 874
History of pertussis 636 73.1 192 22.1 21 2.4 21 2.4 870
Diagnosis of epilepsy, well controlled 790 90.4 52 5.9 13 1.5 19 2.2 874
Fever 38–40 °C and moderate illness 67 7.7 796 91.0 10 1.1 2 0.2 875
Fever > 40 °C and severe illness 30 3.4 811 92.0 37 4.2 4 0.5 882
Congenital immunodeficiency 251 28.7 64 7.3 460 52.6 99 11.3 874

Correct responses are indicated in bold. Denominators differ for each contraindication as not all paediatricians responded to all contraindications.

a Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, poliomyelitis, Haemophilus influenzae type b, hepatitis B.