Table 1.
Patient factors assessed in the population pharmacodynamic analysis
Covariate | Type | Parameters tested |
ECOG group | Categorical | BASE_HAZ, EMAX, EC50 |
Tumour size | Continuous | BASE_HAZ, EMAX, EC50 |
Tumour histology | Categorical | BASE_HAZ, EMAX, EC50 |
Age group | Categorical | BASE_HAZ, EMAX, EC50 |
Gender | Categorical | BASE_HAZ, EMAX, EC50 |
Race | Categorical | BASE_HAZ, EMAX, EC50 |
Body weight | Categorical | BASE_HAZ, EMAX, EC50 |
Prior treatment | Categorical | BASE_HAZ, EMAX, EC50 |
Hemoglobin | Continuous | BASE_HAZ, EMAX, EC50 |
Albumin | Continuous | BASE_HAZ, EMAX, EC50 |
ECOG Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, BASE_HAZ baseline hazard, EMAX maximum response achievable from a dose, EC50 concentration of a drug that gives half-maximal response