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. 2017 Feb 8;2017(2):CD011747. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011747.pub2


Trial name or title CTRI/2014/01/004332
Methods Study design: parallel‐group trial
Duration of follow‐up: 8 weeks
Method of randomisation: computer generated randomisation
Method of concealment of allocation: sequentially numbered, sealed, opaque envelopes
Blinding: not specified ("Investigator Blinded")
Power calculation: not mentioned
Phases of the study: 1 (treatment phase)
Participants Total number: 50 (estimated)
Country of enrolment: India
Setting/location: not specified
Diagnostic criteria (stable angina pectoris): not described
Comorbidities: sustained STEMI
Inclusion criteria:
  • Age from 18 to 75 years

  • Patients who have sustained STEMI more than 12 weeks ago

  • Left ventricular ejection fraction ≤40%

Exclusion criteria:
  • H/o undergoing CABG or stenting procedure within the last 12 weeks

  • Co‐existing end‐stage pulmonary, or hepatic disease

  • Valvular heart disease

  • Patient consumed other study medication in the last 3 months

  • Unwilling to comply with study related procedures

Interventions Number of intervention groups: 2
Concomitant medications: those indicated by the patient's cardiologist
Excluded medications: not mentioned
Trimetazidine group
Intervention: trimetazidine 35 mg twice daily
Duration of intervention: 8 weeks
Ranolazine group
Intervention: ranolazine (type of formulation not specified) 500 mg twice daily
Duration of intervention: 8 weeks
Outcomes Total number of outcomes: 3 (changes in LV systolic and diastolic function, improvement in angina symptoms, ADR)
No outcome meets the inclusion criteria
Starting date 28/10/2013
Contact information Dr Melvin George
Assistant Professor Cardiac Research
SRM Medical College Hospital
Dept of Cardiology SRM MCH RC Kattankulathur Kancheepuram
Notes Source of funding: SRM Medical College Hospital