Sections from the Kidney (H and E x400) of a) Control Group with Normal Appearance of the Glomeruli, Tubules and Interstitium.; b) Carboplatin group showing diffuse tubular degeneration (↑), diffuse inflammatory cellular infiltration (Arrow head) and severe interstitial haemorrhage (↑); c) Carboplatin+CMC group showing non-significant effect on the histopathological picture compared to carboplatin group; d) Carboplatin + Candesartan group showing significant decrease in the number of infiltrated cells (Arrow head), haemorrhage (↑) and tubular degeneration (↑); e) Carboplatin + CoQ10 group showing mild inflammatory cellular infiltration (Arrow head), minimal haemorrhage (↑) and mild tubular degeneration (↑); f) Carboplatin + Candesartan + CoQ10 group showing minimal cellular infiltration (Arrow head), minimal haemorrhage (↑) and mild tubular degeneration (↑).