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. 2017;18(6):1697–1701. doi: 10.22034/APJCP.2017.18.6.1697

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics of Study Population

Factors Study Population
Baselines characteristics :
Sex (% Male) 60 (75.95%)
Age (years) 62.55±11.55
Presence of cirrhosis 74 (93.67%)
 - Child-Pugh A 51 (64.56%)
 - Child-Pugh B 23 (29.11%)
Viral hepatitis infection 55 (69.62%)
 - HBV infection 37 (46.84%)
 - HCV infection 19 (24.05%)
- Alcohol 8 (10.13%)
- Alcohol + HBV/HCV infection 5 (6.33%)
- Hemochromatosis 1 (1.27%)
Preoperative MELD score 10.49±4.18
Largest mass diameter (cm.) 4.14± 3.05
Presence of portal hypertension* 45 (56.96%)
Mass number
 - 1 50 (63.29%)
 - 2 15 (18.99%)
 - 3 12 (15.19%)
 - > 3 2 (2.53%)
Intrahepatic vascular involvement 9 (11.39%)
Staging :
BCLC Staging
 - BCLC 0 10 (12.66%)
 - BCLC A 55 (69.62%)
 - BCLC B 13 (16.45%)
 - BCLC C 1 (1.27%)
HKLC Staging
 - HKLC I 41 (51.90%)
 - HKLC IIa 19 (24.05%)
 - HKLC IIb 14 (17.72%)
 - HKLC IIIa 4 (5.06%)
 - HKLC IIIb 1 (1.27%)
Treatment :
 Radiofrequency ablation 45 (56.96%)
 Resection 34 (43.04%)

Portal hypertension is defined as presence of esophageal varices or splenomegaly with platelet count ≤ 100,000 cell