Table 2. Unstandardized parameter estimates, standard errors for the structural model.
Parameter | Unstandardized estimates (SE) |
Measurement Model for Psychological Distress | |
➔ Anxiety problems | 1.00 (.00) |
➔ Social dysfunction | .44 (.05)*** |
➔ Loss of Confidence | 1.30 (.11)*** |
Structural Model | |
Mother-offspring intimacy | |
➔ Emotion suppression | -.12 (.08) |
➔ Cognitive reappraisal | .19 (.05)*** |
➔ Psychological distress | -.08 (.04)* |
➔ Social functioning difficulties | -.11 (.02)*** |
➔ General health | .00 (.05) |
Mother-offspring conflict | |
➔ Emotion suppression | .16 (.08)* |
➔ Cognitive reappraisal | .03 (.05) |
➔ Psychological distress | .07 (.04)* |
➔ Social functioning difficulties | .06 (.02)** |
➔ General health | -.03 (.05) |
Father-offspring intimacy | |
➔ Emotion suppression | .06 (.08) |
➔ Cognitive reappraisal | .16 (.05)** |
➔ Psychological distress | -.02 (.04) |
➔ Social functioning difficulties | -.07 (.02)** |
➔ General health | .14 (.05)** |
Father-offspring conflict | |
➔➔ Emotion suppression | -.12 (.09) |
➔ Cognitive reappraisal | -.11 (.06) |
➔ Psychological distress | .02 (.04) |
➔ Social functioning difficulties | .05 (.03) |
➔ General health | -.001 (.06) |
Emotion suppression | |
➔ Psychological distress | .11 (.03)*** |
➔ Social functioning difficulties | .06 (.02)*** |
➔ General health | -.13 (.04)*** |
Cognitive reappraisal | |
➔ Psychological distress | -.12 (.04)** |
➔ Social functioning difficulties | -.08 (.02)** |
➔ General health | .09 (.05) |
Sex | |
➔ Emotion suppression | -.05 (.13) |
➔ Cognitive reappraisal | .20 (.09)* |
➔ Psychological distress | .09 (.06) |
➔ Social functioning difficulties | -.09 (.04)* |
➔ General health | .02 (.08) |
Family Income | |
➔ Emotion suppression | .02 (.02) |
➔ Cognitive reappraisal | -.02 (.01) |
➔ Psychological distress | -.01 (.01) |
➔ Social functioning difficulties | -.01 (.01) |
➔ General health | -.002 (.01) |
Number of Siblings | |
➔ Emotion suppression | .04 (.05) |
➔ Cognitive reappraisal | .03 (.04) |
➔ Psychological distress | .02 (.03) |
➔ Social functioning difficulties | .03 (.02) |
➔ General health | -.02 (.04) |
Age | |
➔ Emotion suppression | .03 (.04) |
➔ Cognitive reappraisal | .01 (.03) |
➔ Psychological distress | .01 (.02) |
➔ Social functioning difficulties | -.002 (.01) |
➔ General health | .02 (.03) |
*p < .05,
**p < .01,
***p < .001.