Fig 2:
Cardiac index and blood lactate level comparisons between cardiac specific EdnrB homozygous (EdnrBflox/flox), heterozygous (EdnrBflox/+) and cre-negative control mice. a) Both EdnrBflox/flox and EdnrBflox/+ mice maintains a higher CI under extreme hypoxia of 10% and 5% O2. b) Lactate levels were significantly lower in EdnrBflox/+ mice at 10% and 5% O2 when compared with the cre-negative group and in EdnrBflox/flox at 5% O2. The trends were inversely related to the CI where it is high in the cre-negative controls, medium in the EdnrBflox/flox group and low in the EdnrBflox/+ group. Error bar indicates ± standard error.