Fig. 6. Acute Ethanol Intoxication Generally Impairs Fear Learning.
(A) Overview of the design of Experiment 5. The times listed represent the total time of exposure to the context for a given session. A plus sign indicates a single .35 mA shock and a minus sign indicates exposure to the context without shock. A downward arrow indicates the administration of ethanol or saline prior to the session. (B) Mean percent freezing during extinction sessions (Days 2-7) of RECOND and CTX groups. (C) Mean percent freezing for 30 sec pre and post shock of all groups during Phase 3 (reconditioning) under acute intoxication (INTX) or SAL (Day 8). Further significant main effects and interactions are detailed in the text. (D) Mean percent freezing of all groups during the test session (Day 9) 24 hrs following reconditioning under acute intoxication (INTX) or SAL. The RECOND-AEW vs COND-AEW difference was p = .071. CTX-AEW, n = 8; CTX-SAL, n = 8; RECOND-AEW, n = 8; RECOND-SAL, n = 8; COND-AEW, n = 8; COND-SAL, n = 8; *, p < .05 **, p < .01; ***, p < .001. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean.