Figure 4.
Plexins, semaphorins, Met, and Met-LP RTKs of Deuterostomia. (A) Expansion of plexins and semaphorins occurred in the genome of the starfish A. planci. Eleven plexins were detected, grouped into two classes (Plexin-A1 to -A3 and Plexin-B1 to -B8), as well and four Met-LP and one Met RTK. Two classes of secreted semaphorins were detected: Sema-SI with a Sema domain, a PSI-like domain, and an Ig domain (Sema-SI1 to -SI4), and Sema-SP with a Sema plus PSI domain. Additionally, the transmembrane semaphorins Sema5A and Sema6A are detected. (B) The lancelet B. belcheri has two plexins, one Met RTK, and three transmembrane semaphorins: Sema5A, 6A, and 6B. (C) Expansion of plexins and semaphorins occurred in the lineage of Vertebrata, as exemplified by the nine plexins, twenty semaphorins, and two Met RTKs in the genome of H. sapiens ( Protein domains: see legend of Fig. 1. Asterisks indicate missing sequence. Dashed line in phylogenetic tree encircles the clades shown in this figure. Photo/image credits: A. planci: Denis Zorzin; B. belcheri: Arthur Anker; H. sapiens: NASA.