Table 1.
Studies of M/EEG in preclinical AD and MCI.
References | Comparison | Sample size | Methodology | Result |
Babiloni et al., 2018 | MCI vs. CN | 75 MCI, 75 CN | Sources, Resting, EEG, FC | Widespread decreased alpha FC |
Babiloni et al., 2016 | AD vs. CN | 19 AD, 40 CN | Sources, Resting, EEG, Activity | Higher delta and lower low frequency alpha activities. Association between hypometabolism and delta activity |
Bajo et al., 2010 | MCI vs. CN | 22 MCI, 19 CN | Sensors, Task, MEG, FC | Increased long distance interhemispheric FC & decreased anteroposterior FC |
Buldú et al., 2011 | MCI vs. CN | 19 MCI, 19 CN | Sensors, Task, MEG, Graphs | Increased network strength and outreach |
Canuet et al., 2015 | MCI | 4 pMCI, 8 sMCI | Sources, Resting, MEG, FC | Dual increased/decreased FC pattern affecting limbic structures. Decreased FC associated with impaired axonal integrity |
Cuesta et al., 2015 | MCI vs. CN f(ApoE) | 20 MCI0ε4, 16 MCI1ε4, 8 CN1ε4, 19 CN0ε4 | Sources, Resting, MEG, FC | Decreased alpha and beta hippocampal and IPL FC in MCI. Decreased delta FC in ApoE34. Dual increased/decreased FC pattern affecting frontal/temporal regions |
Dubois et al., 2018 | SCD | 88 SCDp, 230 SCDn | Sources, Resting, EEG, Power | Increase in alpha power over time in prefrontal areas in Aβ positive subjects at baseline |
Fernández et al., 2002 | AD vs. CN | 15 AD, 19 CN | Sources, Resting, MEG, Power | Increased bilateral temporoparietal delta and theta power |
Gonzalez-Escamilla et al., 2014 | MCI vs. CN | 29 MCI, 26 CN | Sources, Resting, EEG, FC | Decreased frontotemporal and parietal alpha FC |
Hata et al., 2017 | AD | 14 AD | Sources, Resting, EEG, FC | Tau negative correlated with FC left frontal eye field and the right auditory |
Jelic et al., 1997 | MCI f(ApoE) vs. CN | 17 MCI0ε4, 14 MCI1ε4, 10 MCI2ε4, 18 CN | Sensors, Resting, EEG, power, and FC | APOE ε4 seems to be associated with selective decreases in FC |
Jelic et al., 1998 | AD continuum | 14 AD, 12 MCI, 14 CN | Sensors, Resting, EEG, Power | Association between tau and the a/d power ratio |
Koenig et al., 2005 | AD continuum f(GDS) | 211 AD, 92 MCI, 70 SCD, 46 CN | Sensors, Resting, EEG, FC | Decreased FC in Alpha, Beta, and Gamma frequency bands, and increased delta FC |
Kramberger et al., 2013 | AD vs. MCI vs. SCD | 131 AD, 285 MCI, 310 SCD | Sensors, Resting, EEG, Activity | Slower activity correlated with lower Aβ42/ptau ratio and higher total tau. |
López-Sanz et al., 2016 | MCI vs. SCD vs. CN | 51 MCI, 41 SCD, 39 CN | Sources, Resting, MEG, Power | Decreased alpha power. MCI showed slowing in their alpha peak |
López-Sanz et al., 2017a | MCI vs. SCD vs. CN | 51 MCI, 41 SCD, 39 CN | Sources, Resting, MEG, FC | Increased alpha anterior FC and decreased posterior alpha FC |
López-Sanz et al., 2017b | MCI vs. SCD vs. CN | 69 MCI, 55 SCD, 63 CN | Sources, Resting, MEG, Graphs | SCD showed an intermediate degree (between MCI and CN) of network disruption in multiple parameters |
Maestú et al., 2008 | MCI vs. CN | 15 MCI, 20 CN | Sources, Task, MEG, Activation | Bilateral higher activity in the ventral pathway |
Maestú et al., 2015 | MCI vs. CN | 102 MCI, 82 CN | Sensors, Resting, MEG, FC | Enhanced fronto-parietal and interhemispheric broadband FC |
Moretti et al., 2017 | MCI | 23 MCI | Sensors, Resting, EEG, Power | Subjects with increased Ha/La showed hypometabolism and higher ratio of conversion |
Nakamura et al., 2017 | CNp vs. CN | 13 CNp, 32 CN | Sources, Resting, MEG, FC | Decreased local FC in Pcu. Increased FC between Pcu and both IPL |
Nakamura et al., 2018 | MCI vs. CNp vs. CN | 28 MCI, 11 MCInoAD, 13 CNp, 17 CN | Sources, Resting, MEG, Power | Increased frontal alpha power in MCI and CNp. Increased frontal delta power in MCI vs. CNp. Global increased theta power in MCI |
Smailovic et al., 2018 | AD vs. MCI vs. SCD | 197 AD, 230 MCI, 210 SCD | Sensors, Resting, EEG, power, and FC | Aβ42 correlated inversely with theta and delta power. Tau correlated negatively with alpha power. Alpha and beta FC correlated inversely with increased pathology |
Stomrud et al., 2010 | CN | 33 CN | Sensors, Resting, EEG, Power | Association between theta power and tau CSF measurements |
Teipel et al., 2018 | SCD | 63 SCDp, 255 SCDn | Sensors, Resting, EEG, FC | Non global significant results. Aβp participants showed enhanced alpha FC and diminished beta FC |
Unless otherwise expressly stated, the results summarized in the column “Result” are described referring to the first group in the corresponding column “comparison.” SCD, subjective memorry complain; CN, cognitive normal; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; Aβ, Amyloid beta; XX0,1,2ε4, XX participants with 0, 1, or 2 allele/s of Apoε4; FC, functional connectivity. MCInoAD, mild cognitive impairment not AD type; GDS, global dementia score; XXp, XX participants with positive amyloidosis; XXn, XX participants with negative amyloidosis; pMCI, progressive mild cognitive impairment; sMCI, stable mild cognitive impairment; Ha/La, high alpha/low alpha ratio; a/d, alpha/delta ratio; PCu, precuneus; IPL, inferior parietal lobe.