Performance measure |
We recommend that if there is insufficient resource to reduce the risks of a procedure to recommended levels, the service should review whether it should, on the balance of benefits and risks, continue to perform that procedure |
Domain |
Safety |
Category |
Structure |
Rationale |
The first step, if there is insufficient resource to reduce the risk, is to decide whether the service should continue performing that procedure Ultimately it may be decided that there are some risks that have to be accepted even if there is insufficient resource to reduce them – for example, a service may not be able to stock all the available devices |
to arrest bleeding following a polypectomy Declaring that there is an outstanding risk (for example, on a risk register, which may be called something different in different countries) raises awareness that there is still a potential problem and increases the likelihood that the necessary resources will be found |
Standards |
Minimum standard: decisions to continue to provide or withdraw procedures (when there is insufficient resource to mitigate the risks associated with them) are based on a formal written review of the balance of benefits and risks Target standard: continuous monitoring of risks associated with inadequate resource and at least annual re-assessment of the balance of risks and benefits identified in the minimum standard |
Consensus agreement |
96.3% |
Not applicable |
Concordance with other guidelines |
ASGE Not assessed |
Canada Not assessed |
EU Not assessed |
GRS/JAG accreditation Yes |
Evidence grading |
Not applicable |