Performance measure |
We recommend endoscopy services have available, in written and electronic form, referral guidelines for all endoscopic procedures performed within the service that are based on regional and/or national guidelines |
Domain |
Appropriateness |
Category |
Process |
Rationale |
Most jurisdictions accept that there should be criteria for performing an invasive and potentially dangerous procedure, and having these criteria available makes it more likely they will be used We recommend endoscopy services make accessible to all endoscopists their referral guidelines (based on regional and/or national guidelines) for all endoscopic procedures performed within the service |
Standards |
Minimum standard: local referral guidelines based on regional, national, or European guidelines are available for all procedures performed by the service Target standard: guidelines are accessible in the department and to all endoscopists |
Consensus agreement |
96.3% |
Not applicable |
Concordance with other guidelines |
ASGE Yes |
Canada Not assessed |
EU Yes |
GRS/JAG accreditation Yes |
Evidence grading |
Very low |