Performance measure |
We recommend information on comfort is reviewed and fed back to endoscopists and staff and, where appropriate, action is taken to improve patient comfort levels |
Domain |
Comfort, privacy, and dignity |
Category |
Process |
Rationale |
As for Performance measure 7.1, plus action needs to be taken to protect patients from unnecessary pain |
Standards |
Minimum standard: information on patient comfort levels is collated, reviewed, and fed back to individual endoscopists and staff at least twice a year Target standard: when review of patient comfort identifies areas for improvement, action is taken to improve patient comfort within a reasonable time period (6–12 months) |
Consensus agreement |
96.3% |
Not applicable |
Concordance with other guidelines |
ASGE Yes |
Canada Yes |
EU Yes |
GRS/JAG accreditation Yes |
Evidence grading |
Low/very low |