Fragility fracture |
Included: |
S22..00 |
Fracture of humerus |
The included and omitted codes are contradictory. This leads to additional, unnecessary, inclusion and exclusion terms. |
S222000 |
Closed fracture of humerus NOS |
Omitted: |
S22z.00 |
Fracture of humerus NOS |
Potential hospitalized infections |
Included: |
A53..00 |
Herpes zoster |
The included and omitted codes are contradictory. This leads to additional, unnecessary, inclusion and exclusion terms. |
F501611 |
Herpes zoster—otitis externa |
A35..00 |
Erysipelas |
Omitted: |
F501411 |
Erysipelas—otitis externa |
Included: |
AB…00 |
Mycoses (and all descendant codes) |
FyuN500 |
Otitis externa in mycoses |
Hyu0E00 |
Pneumonia in mycoses classified elsewhere |
N016.00 |
Arthropathy associated with mycoses |
Type II diabetes mellitus |
Included: |
C105100 |
Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + ophthalmic manifestation |
There is no clinical reason for type II diabetes why you would include the first two codes and exclude the second two. They should all be included. |
C10z100 |
Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + unspecified complication |
C100100 |
Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, no mention of complication |
C101100 |
Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, with ketoacidosis |
Type I diabetes mellitus |
Included: |
C10EE00 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma |
There is no clinical reason for type I diabetes why you would include the first two codes and exclude the second two. They should all be included. |
C10EN00 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma |
Omitted: |
C10E300 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with multiple complications |
C10EA00 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus without complication |
Rheumatoid arthritis |
Included: |
N065.00 |
Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyarthritis |
The included and omitted codes are contradictory. This leads to additional, unnecessary, inclusion and exclusion terms. |
Omitted: |
N065.11 |
Polyarthropathy not elsewhere classified |
Marital status |
Included: |
13IL300 |
Wife alive |
The included and omitted codes are contradictory. This leads to additional, unnecessary, inclusion and exclusion terms. |
Omitted: |
13IL700 |
Husband alive |
Included: |
13IL.00 |
Health of spouse |
Omitted: |
13Fe.00 |
Lives with spouse |
Included: |
13ID.00 |
Partner unemployed |
Omitted: |
13IZ400 |
Partner alive |
13IZ500 |
Partner unwell |
13IZ600 |
Partner well |
Cohabitation |
Included: |
13IL300 |
Wife alive |
The included and omitted codes are contradictory. This leads to additional, unnecessary, inclusion and exclusion terms. |
Omitted: |
13IL700 |
Husband alive |
Included: |
13IL.00 |
Health of spouse |
Omitted: |
13Fe.00 |
Lives with spouse |
13HG.11 |
Spouse left home |
Living alone |
Included: |
13FH.00 |
Lives with relatives |
These codes are examples of living with someone and are therefore not examples of living alone. |
13Is.00 |
Lives with grandfather |
13It.00 |
Lives with grandmother |
Residence |
U10F100 |
Fall from cliff, occurrence in residential institution |
The included codes indicate residence in a residential institution. The omitted codes are equivalent to this and should be included. |
U128100 |
Bitten by crocodile or alligator, occurrence in residential institution |
Omitted: |
U1B2100 |
Prolonged stay in weightless environment, occurrence in residential inst… |
U196100 |
Victim of avalanche, occurrence in residential institution |
Religion |
Omitted: |
13yL.00 |
Tibetan Buddhist |
These codes are examples of religions and should be included. |
Omitted: |
13yu.00 |
Coptic orthodox |
Omitted: |
13zS.00 |
Weslyan Methodist |
Country of birth |
Omitted: |
13dt.00 |
Born in Isle of Man |
These codes are indicative of country of birth and so should be included. |
Omitted: |
13du.00 |
Born in Faroe Islands |
Omitted: |
13dv.00 |
Born in Greenland |
Ethnicity |
Omitted: |
9TC..00 |
Roma ethnic group |
These codes are descriptive of ethnicity and so should be included. |
Omitted: |
9TC0.00 |
Bulgarian Roma |
Omitted: |
9TC1.00 |
Czech Roma |
Included: |
9S6..00 |
Indian |
The included and omitted codes are contradictory. This leads to additional, unnecessary, inclusion and exclusion terms. |
Omitted: |
1347.00 |
Indian origin |
Heart failure |
Included: |
G55..00 |
Cardiomyopathy |
There is no clinical reason for heart failure why you would include one code for cardiomyopathy but then exclude others. They should all be included. |
Omitted: |
G558200 |
Dystrophic cardiomyopathy |
Omitted: |
G558400 |
Amyloid cardiomyopathy |
Omitted: |
G558.00 |
Cardiomyopathy in disease EC |
Shortness of breath |
Omitted: |
173g.00 |
Breathlessness causing difficulty eating |
This code is a synonym for shortness of breath and so should be included. |
Tuberculosis |
Included: |
Ayu1900 |
Miliary tuberculosis, unspecified |
The included and omitted codes are contradictory. This leads to additional, unnecessary, inclusion and exclusion terms. |
Omitted: |
Ayu1800 |
Other miliary tuberculosis |
Included: |
Ayu1300 |
Respiratory TB unspecified, no mention of bacteriological confirmation |
Omitted: |
Ayu1100 |
Respiratory TB unspecified, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically |
Cancer not non-melanoma skin cancer |
Omitted: |
B305B00 |
Malignant neoplasm of fourth metacarpal bone |
These are types of cancer and should be included.
Omitted: |
ByuB.00 |
Malignant neoplasm of thyroid and other endocrine glands |
Omitted: |
B640000 |
B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia |
Omitted: |
B624.12 |
Hairy cell leukaemia |
Omitted: |
B509.00 |
Malignant melanoma of eye |
Asthma |
Included: |
679J000 |
Health education—asthma self management |
The included and omitted codes are contradictory. This leads to additional, unnecessary, inclusion and exclusion terms. |
Omitted: |
679J.00 |
Health education–asthma |