Inputs (resources) |
Number of professionals working in outpatient care (total) [ProfTotO8+O10] in Uribe. Decreasing.
N° of psychologists working in outpatient care [ProfPsychoO8+O10] in Uribe. Decreasing.
N° of psychiatrists working in outpatient care [ProfPsychiO8+O10] in Uribe. Decreasing.
N° of psychologists working in day hospital care [ProfPsychoDUED1+D41] in Durango. This variable integrates D1 and D41 services. Increasing.
N° of professionals working in day hospital care [ProfTotD1+D41] in Durango. This variable integrates D1 and D41 services. Increasing.
N° of professionals working in outpatient care (total) [ProfTotO8+O10] in Sestao. Increasing.
N° of psychiatrists working in outpatient care [ProfPsychiO8+O10] in Sestao. Increasing.
Due to the structural modification of the day hospital located in Durango, the management intervention 1 modified the following variable values:
N° of psychologists working in day hospital care [ProfPsychoDUED1+D41] in Basauri. This variable integrates D1 and D41 services. Increasing.
N° of professionals working in day hospital care [ProfTotD1+D41] in Basauri. This variable integrates D1 and D41 services. Increasing.
N° of psychologists working in day hospital care [ProfPsychoDUED1+D41] in Bermeo. This variable integrates D1 and D41 services. Increasing.
N° of professionals working in day hospital care [ProfTotD1+D41] in Bermeo. This variable integrates D1 and D41 services. Increasing.
N° of psychologists working in day hospital care [ProfPsychoDUED1+D41] in Galdakao. This variable integrates D1 and D41 services. Increasing.
N° of professionals working in day hospital care [ProfTotD1+D41] in Galdakao. This variable integrates D1 and D41 services. Increasing.
N° of psychologists working in day hospital care [ProfPsychoDUED1+D41] in Gernika. This variable integrates D1 and D41 services. Increasing.
N° of professionals working in day hospital care [ProfTotD1+D41] in Gernika. This variable integrates D1 and D41 services. Increasing.
Number of professionals working in outpatient care (total) [ProfTotO8+O10] in Uribe. Decreasing.
N° of psychologists working in outpatient care [ProfPsychoO8+O10] in Uribe. Decreasing.
N° of psychiatrists working in outpatient care [ProfPsychiO8+O10] in Uribe. Decreasing.
N° of psychologists working in day hospital care [ProfPsychoDUED1+D41] in Durango. This variable integrates D1 and D41 services. Increasing.
N° of professionals working in day hospital care [ProfTotD1+D41] in Durango. This variable integrates D1 and D41 services. Increasing.
N° of professionals working in outpatient care (total) [ProfTotO8+O10] in Sestao. Increasing.
N° of psychiatrists working in outpatient care [ProfPsychiO8+O10] in Sestao. Increasing.
N° of professionals working in outpatient care (total) [ProfTotO8+O10] in Ercilla. Decreasing.
N° of psychiatrists working in outpatient care [ProfPsychiO8+O10] in Ercilla. Decreasing.
N° of professionals working in outpatient care (total) [ProfTotO8+O10] in Barakaldo. Increasing.
N° of psychiatrists working in outpatient care [ProfPsychiO8+O10] in Barakaldo. Increasing.
Outputs (outcomes) |
Use of day hospital care [UD41]. Increasing, constant or decreasing depending on the affected SHA.
Frequentation in outpatient care [UFrecO8+O10]. Increasing or constant depending on the affected SHA.
N° of places in day hospital care [PD41]. Increasing or decreasing depending on the affected SHA.
N° of places in day care [PD1+D41]. Increasing or decreasing depending on the SHA.