Comparison of maximum tracheal cross-sectional area reduction percentage
between endexpiration and end-inspiration (A%) between subjects with positive
findings of TM via clinical bronchoscopy, subjects with negative findings of TM
via clinical bronchoscopy, and subjects who did not undergo a clinical
bronchoscopy (Yes, No, and N/A groups, respectively). There is a statistically
significant difference between the No and N/A groups (P = 0.032) and no
statistically significant difference between the Yes and N/A groups (P = 0.707).
The range of A% in the N/A group spans across all values associated with both
positive and negative findings of TM, suggesting that several patients may have
undiagnosed TM and would stand to benefit from tracheal collapse evaluation.
Plot elements are represented as follows: median (black line), interquartile
range (grey box), data within 1.5 times the interquartile range below 25% and
75% (black whiskers), and data outside this range (black cross).