Figure 6. Histological analyses of right ventricle in PAB rats 28 days post-treatment.
(A) Fibrosis was measured in PAB rat heart sections and is presented as mean percent area of total right ventricular area with 95% confidence intervals. (B) Representative images of picrosirius red-stained fibrosis. (C) Vessels counted per 0.2 mm2 presented as mean with 95% confidence intervals. (D) Representative images isolectin-labeled vessels. (E) Cross-sectional area of myocytes presented as mean with 95% confidence intervals. (F) Representative images of WGA-labeled myocytes. N=5 Sham, N=5 Saline, N=8 2D, N=8 3D, N=6 3D+Notch-i. *p≤0.05 with one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc analysis. Scale bar=100 μm unless otherwise noted.